Importance of pacing when Living with a Chronic Illness
Pacing is essential when living with chronic illness. This blog post will help you learn how to find balance in your energy levels and what you do.
Pacing is essential when living with chronic illness. This blog post will help you learn how to find balance in your energy levels and what you do.
Time to Talk day. Grab a cup of tea and let’s talk about mental health. Jess Glynne’s words in Thursday inspires me to tackle mental health.
Do you find you often feel stressed? Are your nights disrupted with poor sleep? Is your mind often thinking about too many things. Then STOP. It sounds as though you are stressed. Below are eight helpful ways of dealing with stress. Active change can help you build a happier life for yourself.
We’ve all been there. Being let down at the last minute or receiving news that is upsetting. How do you cope and move on from bad news? I thought I would use my recent example of being let down by our builder to show you useful ways of moving on.
BACP in Therapy Today has a section called Analyse me – the counsellor. This gives counsellors an opportunity to share more about their work and what drives them to be a counsellor. I thought I would share my questions….. Why did you become a counsellor? From an early age, I had a passionate desire to help …
Self-care and Rev. Kate Bottley Last year I had the pleasure of hearing Rev. Kate Bottley speak at my local WI. Rev. Kate Bottley talked about her media storm with her mob flash dance