
What I’ve learned after 100 blog posts

  I’ve done it. I’ve reached one hundred blog posts. I have been writing in this blog for five years. It has taken me on a professional journey I did not imagine it would take me, and has helped improve my reflective writing. So: how did I get here, and; what I have I learned

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Relationship between thoughts and feelings

Feelings affect us Positive or negative feelings affect what happen to us. For example, if we are given a birthday present, we feel elated and happy, but if our child breaks our birthday present, we feel angry and upset.  In other words, the situation we are in has a direct effect on our feelings. Thoughts

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Assertiveness – Improving your self-awareness

Being Assertive does not mean you have to change your personality and become aggressive, passive or manipulative. Assertiveness is about learning how to be you and expressing yourself in a confident manner. To be able to do this you have to increase your self-awareness by getting to know yourself, learn how to like yourself and

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4 creative ways of coping with anxiety.

Creative ways of dealing with anxiety are different approaches to help ground you, and calm you down. If you are living with feelings of dread and as though you are on edge you are more and likely to be living with anxiety. These symptoms of stress and anxiety may result in you withdrawing from your

4 creative ways of coping with anxiety. Read More »