
I worry what people think of me and if they like me

I worry what people think of me I can’t do that as people may judge me! No-one likes me. What happens if I’m rejected? Sound familiar? These are common statements that I often hear my clients say. Often clients judge themselves on how popular they are or they will spend a lot of time worrying …

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Assertiveness – Improving your self-awareness

Being Assertive does not mean you have to change your personality and become aggressive, passive or manipulative. Assertiveness is about learning how to be you and expressing yourself in a confident manner. To be able to do this you have to increase your self-awareness by getting to know yourself, learn how to like yourself and …

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Positive self-talk for coping with anxiety

Anxiety often leads us to start thinking negatively. We react without thinking and before we know it we are more anxious and the negative thoughts start to flow through our mind. This can then affect our feelings, behaviour and body reactions. In our anxious state our thoughts tend to be exaggerated and contain some distortion. …

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Take control of your negative thoughts and feelings

When people hurt you or make you feel bad about yourself, you need to take control of your negative thoughts and feelings. Remember the saying ‘Sticks and stones will break my bones but calling names won’t hurt me?’ If only it was true. Words can hurt us. The way people deal with us can make …

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Boosting your low self esteem

Boosting your low self-esteem is essential for a happier and more fulfilling life. When you believe in yourself and your abilities, you’re more likely to set and achieve goals, take on challenges, and handle setbacks with resilience. Boosting your low self esteem will help you build  positive relationships, as it allows you to assert your …

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Believe in yourself

Believing in yourself helps build personal growth and success. It’s becomes your inner strength and capabilities to overcome challenges and achieve your goals. When you believe in yourself, you pave the way for self-confidence, resilience, and a positive mindset, essential attributes for reaching your full potential. When I posted the quote… look in the mirror …

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Anorexia or low self esteem?

Eating Disorder Week gives us the chance to reflect upon clients, friends, and colleagues, who may suffer the challenges of eating disorders.  Today’s Guardian article (‘What all health professionals should know’ highlights the complexity of eating disorders. It also reports that this is a growing problem amongst young people. Society often blames role models who associate …

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