Sheffield counselling

Sheffield counselling is provided by Hazel Hill. Hazel is based in Netheredge, Sheffield. Hazel is a BACP Accredited Counsellor. Hazel counselling practice is centrally located in Sheffield. It is easy to reach from S2, S6, S7, S8, S13, S11 and S10. As it is near Abbeydale Road, it is not far from Chesterfield or Rotherham.

Sheffield Counselling is easily reached by bus Number 3. There is also plenty on-road parking.

8 helpful ways to deal with stress

Do you find you often feel stressed? Are your nights disrupted with poor sleep? Is your mind often thinking about too many things. Then STOP. It sounds as though you are stressed.  Below are eight helpful ways of dealing with stress. Active change can help you build a happier life for yourself.

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Walk Talk Therapy in Sheffield

A few years ago, I came across a book called ‘Working it out: Using exercise in Psychotherapy’.  This book highlights that walking during counselling or therapy: Encourages a client to be more physical active Helps a client get ‘unstuck’ when talking about difficult issues Physical activity increases creative and deeper thinking

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What is integrative counselling?

It is often confusing hearing about different counselling models that counsellor’s use –  Person-centred, psychodynamic, Transactional Analyse, integrative counselling etc. Which one will work and how do you choose?  I personally feel each model has its own value and can work for all types of different problems. The important part is that the counsellor is

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