BACP Senior Accreditation
I have gained my senior accreditation. Accreditation has been controversial in the world of counselling. Let me share with you how I see it as part of my professional development and growth.
I have gained my senior accreditation. Accreditation has been controversial in the world of counselling. Let me share with you how I see it as part of my professional development and growth.
I’ve done it. I’ve reached one hundred blog posts. I have been writing in this blog for five years. It has taken me on a professional journey I did not imagine it would take me, and has helped improve my reflective writing. So: how did I get here, and; what I have I learned …
I have seen various developments and changes within counselling profession over the last 15 years. More courses are available, British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) membership has vastly increased and more counsellors are becoming private practitioners. Counsellors and organisations have to market themselves and approach their counselling work with a business head. Online
Putting off writing a clinical will Creating and writing a clinical will has been something I’ve always intended to write but never got round to doing it. Every week, I’m guilty of always transferring ‘writing my clinical will’ onto my weekly ‘to do’ list. However, a colleague, Roslyn Byfield,