
Reflection of an intergrative counsellor

When I first became a counsellor, I was outcome focused and wanting to make a difference. My work centred in helping the client have a better life and I worked hard, often seeking reassurance. In the last few years, I have become curious about the counselling process and more focused on the client’s transformation using […]

Reflection of an intergrative counsellor Read More »

Communication in relationships

  Communication in relationships Communication in relationships is key to being able to get on and help resolve conflict. Most couples manage effective communication without much effort. However, those who are poor in communication are often unhappy and stuck. It puts a strain on the relationship and leads to conflict. Poor communication results in partners

Communication in relationships Read More »

Help, my Mum and Dad are toxic and causing too much pain. How do I let go?

Help, my Mum and Dad are toxic and causing too much pain. How do I let go? Clients often battle over society’s pressure that you must look after their parents versus the fact their Mum and Dad is toxic and malicious and causing them too much pain. The guilt of this keeps them maintaining a

Help, my Mum and Dad are toxic and causing too much pain. How do I let go? Read More »