integrative counselling

Reflection of an intergrative counsellor

When I first became a counsellor, I was outcome focused and wanting to make a difference. My work centred in helping the client have a better life and I worked hard, often seeking reassurance. In the last few years, I have become curious about the counselling process and more focused on the client’s transformation using […]

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What is integrative counselling?

It is often confusing hearing about different counselling models that counsellor’s use –  Person-centred, psychodynamic, Transactional Analyse, integrative counselling etc. Which one will work and how do you choose?  I personally feel each model has its own value and can work for all types of different problems. The important part is that the counsellor is

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Counselling process and me

  Mental stigma often stops people from admitting that they are receiving counselling or have had counselling.  What about if the counsellor admits they had counselling? Is that self-disclosing or reassuring for clients to know that their counsellor has been through the counselling process and believes in his or her heart that counselling can help?

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