
Working Therapeutically with Syrian Refugees

Working Therapeutically with Syrian Refugees As part of Refugee Week,  I thought I would  share my experiences of working therapeutically with the Syrian Refugees on the Resettlement programme. This programme is based here in Sheffield with the Refugee Council. When working as a humanitarian worker, I enjoyed working with different communities.  I worked with displaced

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Building a positive relationship between supervisor and supervisee

Positive Supervisee Relationship A positive relationship between supervisor and supervisee is important. Millar, Holloway and Henderson (2014) say that encouragement is at the heart of a counselling supervisory relationship. They emphasise the need to build an equal relationship. So how is a positive relationship between supervisor and supervisee achieved? Maintaining ethics A contract between the counsellor and supervisor

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Self-disclosure of a counsellor

In order for a counsellor to remain focused on the client, self-disclosure during a session is not encouraged. Self-disclosure is sharing information with your client that they would not know about you. It is generally felt that self-disclosure of a counsellor may get in the way of the client’s journey. The counsellor’s past and issues,

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