Coping with loss and bereavement
Coping with loss and bereavement Every time there is a significant change in our lives, such as loss and bereavement, we experience a range of feelings. It can be a confusing and frightening time. Understanding loss and bereavement can help with the grieving, and to understand what is happening. Coping with loss and bereavement is
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Painful place called Bereavement
All faced with bereavement Sometime in our lives we are all faced with bereavement. If we think about it we either think bereavement will never happen to us or we’ll cope when or if it happens. When we lose a loved one the bereavement throws us into a world of grief. It’s a place that
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Six Steps to dealing with bereavement
Bereavement is often closed subject Bereavement or loss is something that we all face at some time in our lives. This can be through the death of someone we are close to or our loss of health or job or a miscarriage. As it is a subject that is not often openly talked about, we
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What is empty nest syndrome?
Empty nest syndrome My friend’s (who I will call her Pippa) daughter (Chantal) is leaving home next week for university. In the last year Pippa has been counting down the days with dread. On one hand she is excited for Chantal as she steps out into her new adventure but on the other hand Pippa
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Dealing with loss or bereavment
Serious loss is something we will all experience at some point of time in our lives. This may be because of the death of a loved one or it may be circumstances such as miscarriage or loss of a job. Sometimes we do not experience loss or bereavement until later in life and have had
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Grieving within Western Society
Grieving in Western society feels it is behind closed doors. In Western Society there is social pressure for the bereaved to grieve quickly and quietly. These pressures, as Harris (2010) says, constricts the experience of grief rather than support it. These restrictive ways of dealing with grief can create further stress to clients as they
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